Introduction to the Internet and Social Media

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Introduction to the Internet and Social Media

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Introduction to the Internet and Social Media
Evolution of the Internet
About two and a half decades ago, little was known about the Internet or the possibilities that it would bring in the years ahead (Chase 1). However, today, the Internet has evolved into becoming a household necessity that has changed the way people communicate and interact (Ma, Richard, Lui, and Misra 85). The World Wide Web invented in 1989 has supported the use of the Internet (Ma et al. 87). In the early years of the internet, only the tech-savvy individuals embraced it (Chase 1). However, through commercial ventures like AuctionWeb and Amazon, the internet soon appealed to the average user (Evans 16). The Navigator browser by Netscape gave users the first opportunity to surf the net (Ma et al. 92). By 1996, Hotmail emerged granting users an opportunity to send emails. The period between 2001 and 2004 witnessed the rise of social networking (Chase 1). Between 2005 and 2009, there occurred the smartphone revolution in which the number of internet users rose drastically (Ma et al. 98). From 2010, the internet has been used for social good.
Protocols for Ethical and Positive Web Presence
The following are some of the protocols that internet users should follow to ensure they are portraying an ethical and positive web presence.
Following design guidelines
Avoiding claims of specialization
Substantiating comparisons
Staying focused
Keeping expectations in check

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