interpreting art

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interpreting art

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Geology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Interpreting Art
The painting titled Home from Sea by Arthur Hughes on page G-5 shows two characters in front of a house. A critical analysis of the painting reveals that the artists wanted to derive a feeling of sadness from the audience. One of the characters in the painting is lying down as if in pain or sorrow while the lady looks upon him with compassion. The painting communicates the emotions of the two characters and also gives references to the setting. It is evident from the image that the scene of the painting is in a countryside area outside a house. The background of the painting shows trees, a farmhouse, and what looks like domestic animals. Therefore, the two subjects within the frame may be part of the farm.
The artists used several design technics to communicate the message of the painting. For instance, the dark colors and shadows around the main subjects in the foreground elicit a feeling of sorrow. The postures of the two subjects also communicate the fact that they are not happy. The lady is holding her hands together while kneeling and looking at the young man with a gloomy face. The male subject is hiding his face by looking downwards to suggest that he may be in pain or crying. Additionally, the placement of objects within the frame also helps to communicate the setting of the scene and the relationship between the subjects. The farmhouse is strategically placed on the background of the painting to…

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