International Business Culture

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International Business Culture

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Geography

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title
Reflection on How My Personal Style May Affect a Negotiation Process
I would bring my strengths of accommodator and problem solver to the negotiation table. I would leverage my accommodation skills to harmonize the parties in the negotiation. An accommodator focuses on supporting the disputing parties and using their divergent perspectives to navigate uncomfortable confrontations (McCarthy, Hay, and Hay 12). Similarly, I would use my problem-solving power to facilitate an in-depth discussion of the problem, acknowledge differences, and develop mutual understanding while meeting the needs of each party.
I would need to overcome the challenges associated with accommodation and problem-solving proficiency. I may end up building resentment towards the parties for failing to consider my personal needs as the negotiator. Furthermore, time limits the negotiation effectiveness of the problem-solving approach (McCarthy, Hay, and Hay 8). Hence, I would need to overcome the challenge of managing appropriate time and energy well to prevent burnout on the negotiation table.
Entering into an intense negotiation would not make me feel uncomfortable as facing the challenges would. The conflict assessment affirms that I am a compromiser who is willing to gear communication to maximize the chances of reaching a resolution. Compromising could prevent determination of the root cause of the conflict, but it would enable me to promot…

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