Intercultural Communication: Chapter 9

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Intercultural Communication: Chapter 9

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Intercultural Communication
Student’s Name:
Institution’s Name:
Intercultural Communication
Part 1
Me: Well, that perception everyone in the U.S. is rich is not entirely true. The fact is the standard of living in the United States is better than that of India. That does necessarily mean that everyone in the U.S. is rich.
Prem: I know that but my family and the rest of the Indians do not realize that. They expect me to send them money regularly since I’m living in the U.S. and they believe I’m well off. It is, therefore, my duty to take care of my family.
Me: Your family realize that you are still learning but they still expect you to regularly send money back to India?
Prem: Yeah. That is how it is in most Indian families. When you are in better living conditions such as attaining a college education, then you are expected to take care of your family.
Me: Well that is different from the belief of most Americans. Here, as long as you are still studying, your family still takes care of you. They regularly send you money. They believe that life in school is difficult and the student does not need the additional pressure of taking care of the family.
Part 2
The best co-cultural listeners are open-minded, that is, they are not judgmental. They are willing to engage in new cultural ideas.
The best co-cultural listeners are active listeners. They are always interested in maintaining a conversation with people from different cultural backgrounds. They commu…

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