Intercultural Communication: Chapter 8 Intercultural Adaption

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Intercultural Communication: Chapter 8 Intercultural Adaption

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Intercultural Adaptation
Institution Affiliation
Intercultural adaptation refers to the process of learning the differences between our culture and that of others and getting to appreciate both similarities and the differences in order to survive comfortably in a new culture. One time, a cousin of mine visited us at home, and how he behaved and did things were more or less strange and unique to me. My cousin comes from the Dominican Republic and according to their culture, its considered appropriate to greet someone with a firm handshake while maintaining eye contact and a welcoming smile. Usually, at home, we just hug visitors or shake their hands lightly. Another thing that shocked me is the fact that he wanted my father to offer him a job at his workplace on the basis that they are related and not due to his qualifications. This, my dad, disregarded because nepotism is discouraged at his workplace; however, my cousin tried to put across that back at his home, nepotism is not considered as a vice.
Culture shock comes about as a result of having doubts about our cultural practices in new settings, and it may take varied aspects such as; differences in culture, individuality differences, and visit experience. My cousin, for instance, had a difficulty adapting to the new culture as a result of the cultural differences between our culture and his. Furthermore, the cultural shock comes in different waves such as shock due to a new language, new role, transitioning an…

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