Interactive and Effective Communication

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Interactive and Effective Communication

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Interactive and Effective Communication
People respond to various issues differently which at times leads to conflicts. During conflicts, it is unusual to find the concerned parties listen to each other. The best way to resolve a conflict is to employ listening skills which would help resolve the issue. A type of conflict that demonstrates effective and interactive communication is the one that the participants were prepared to listen to each other. Listening helps in resolving of misunderstandings. In our life, we find ourselves at loggerheads with our peers. For instance, while playing basketball, I have witnessed a situation where players have resolved issues using amicable means. The players were able to listen to each other which led to an understanding of the underlying situation. They demonstrated great listening skills and both parties could understand each other. Listening helps us process inferences regarding the experiences at hand (Brower and Jana 2). Listening is an essential part of effective communication which helps to develop response and solve the conflict.
Communication roadblocks arise whenever both parties in a conflict do not understand each other. I have witnessed a conflict situation between two students that did not apply effective communication since concerned parties applied criticism, defensiveness, and contempt. The two students employed criticism while resolving the issue and they ended…

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