Industrial Psychology

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Industrial Psychology

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Industrial Psychology
Frederick Herzberg developed the motivation-hygiene theory also known as the two-factor theory in 1959. The American psychologist was interested in learning how motivation affects job satisfaction. Herzberg classified the job factors into hygiene and motivational factors.
Hygiene Factors
These are job factors which are essential for the existence of motivation in the organization. However, these factors do not result in real satisfaction in the long run. He argued that the absence of these factors in the workplace results to dissatisfaction (Mehrad, 4). Additionally, they are the cognitive factors in the workplace which are required to avoid disapproval. They are also referred to as physiological needs which employees expect the organization to fulfil them (Motivation in the Workplace). Herzberg argues that the pay structure should be reasonable and competitive in the industry. Organizational and administrative policies should not be strict or rigid. Instead, they should be flexible, clear and fair to all. This entails having a flexible working schedule, breaks and vacation. Employees are entitled to receive fringe benefits like health care plans and other employee programs which help themselves and their family members. Herzberg continues arguing that the working environment should be conducive, safe and sanitary. The working facilities, equipment, and machinery should be ma…

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