independence in the bahamas

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independence in the bahamas

Category: Editing

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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In this assignment, readers will be able to understand about the Bahamas when it gained independence. From the paper, learners will get the knowledge about the attitude which Britain had when the Bahamas requested to have independence. The opposition which people of Bahamas were facing from within and outside when they were almost gaining independence. Also from the paper people will have to understand the thinking of people of Bahamas toward autonomy and during Independence Day. It will also give an account of people who were living in the Bahamas during that day it was granted freedom.
What was Britain’s attitude to the request from The Bahamas to become independence?
A nation is said to have become independent when it does not depend on another country politically. After going through source A which has been providing I have concluded that Britain had ha different attitudes towards the independence of Bahamas as a country. To begin with, Britain was understandable that the Bahamas needed their independent (Order, 67). They knew that the Bahamas was mature enough to stand on her own. Britain had repeatedly declared that they would not stand in the way of any country which was seeking independence. They Bahamas government expressed the wish to join the commonwealth and remain under the monarchy. The government will retain bicameral parliament which was too limited of five years from its first day of seatin…

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