Incentive Program for EHR Implementation

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Incentive Program for EHR Implementation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Incentive Program for EHR implementation
Institutional Affiliation

Incentive Program for EHR implementation
The inception of meaningful use in the year 2011 came with the objective of improving the efficiency of healthcare service provision, concerning speed, accuracy, and interoperability among others. Incentives were then established that would see the enforcement of meaningful use amongst healthcare providers and eligible professionals. The efficiency of the incentive program can be readily assessed by following its progress through the years. This paper highlights the benefits and advantages of the EHR implementation incentive program.
The incentive program played a significant role in jump-starting the initial adoption of EHR amongst healthcare providers with massive success which could not have been achieved any other way. It marked the starting point of what was initially a vision. The enforcement of these initiatives opened an avenue for other related developments by providing the chance to experience the practical part of the EHRs. According to the American Medical Association (2018), the implementation program paved way to the placement of the requirement to use certified EHR technology and to improve the design of the technology is such a way that enhances its usability. ‘The program pioneered the addition of user-centered design (UCD) in the development of EHR products. Hence, one could say that the implementation incentives opened u…

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