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in the instructions

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Describe how Autism affects the following:
Social Interactions
Autism damages an individual’s ability to interpret and understand own and others’ feelings, thoughts, and motives. As a result, a person with autism will have problems with the joint attention, which is crucial in the development of social skills and interaction with peers and with the environment. Hence, the person tends to be withdrawn from others limiting his/her social interactions (Heward et al. 223).
Communication and Language
Autism causes aloofness in a person and limited connection with others. Social interactions may be a key to the development of language and communication skills. The impairment of the ability to understand personal feelings, motives or body language affects purposeful communication for people with autism. Hence, instead of purposeful communication, a person with autism exhibits echolalia which entails the repetition of sounds or words rather than demonstrating contextual communication skills (Heward et al. 223).
Behavior Patterns
People with autism are associated with unusual behavior patterns, mainly routine inflexibility. They may demand sameness in their limited interaction with the environment. They are intensively preoccupied with repetitive behavior such that the typical development of behavioral skills is affected. Hence, instead of spending time with others, where behavior could be learned through i…

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