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in the instructions

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Hearing Simulation
Watching videos without the sound turned on presents communication challenges. While watching Schindler’s List, I hardly was able to follow the plot and the storyline. I relied on lip reading to understand the characters. Eventually, the momentum of the movie proved too much to keep up with the pace. Watching movies without the sound also raises doubts on what the characters say. Sometimes, individuals pronounce words differently, and that creates confusion. Lastly, watching films without the sound excludes the aspects of intonation and expression of emotions. That means that a person with hearing loss misses a lot more than just the words spoken.
Educators need to adopt a different approach when dealing with people with hearing problems. First, teachers should eliminate all background noises from equipment such as projectors and fans that might disrupt the concentration of the affected students. Studies show that such individuals amplify every sound they encounter, and that could throw them off balance. The teachers should then look directly to the students when communicating (Luckner, Slike and Johnson 59). The approach allows the educators to get the attention of the students.
Schools should arrange individuals with hearing problems at the front of the classroom where they can listen to the talkers. The teachers should use various gestures and gesticulation to catch enable the students to understand the me…

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