in the instrcutions

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in the instrcutions

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Deafness and Hearing Loss
Deafness and hearing loss can be described as the partial or total loss of the ability to hear. It affects the capability of people to learn where the information is relayed through speaking. In the case of enhancing English literacy, it becomes very hard for an individual in such a situation to differentiate sounds. People with this condition have limited access to vocabularies given that most of them are learned through hearing (Heward et al. 295). Therefore, they cannot create proper sentences and differentiate their structure which is a crucial role in the learning of English. In this case, they are not fully exposed to the critical aspects of verbal exchange thus making it very difficult to learn English.
Deafness and hearing loss affects speaking by slowing the learning process of the critical aspects of a language like the grammar and vocabularies. In such a situation, people cannot hear the voices of others as well as theirs thus affecting the development of language. It becomes challenging for people to assess voices thus delaying response. Different voices of speech are usually omitted because they cannot hear them making them unable to speak well.
Academic performance is greatly affected by the loss of hearing given that students are not capable of learning how to read and write while in such condition. Students with this condition tend to perform poorly in academics given that they have poor abilities t…

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