Implementation of an Innovation Strategy

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Implementation of an Innovation Strategy

Category: Essay

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Implementation of an Innovation Strategy
Implementation of an Innovation Strategy
Due to rapid changes and evolutions that occur in the field of technology, the success of the firm dramatically depends on the kind of leadership it has. Two significant issues the organization should consider are having a cross-functional leadership team and monitoring actions of its leaders. An innovation strategy is deemed to be successful if the leadership ensures that work is complete within a timeframe and the team of different expertise allowed the flexibility and freedom to showcase their creativity.
For a firm to survive in this competitive era of technology, it has to actively engage its employees in its flexibility and adaptability to change. Employee engagement is dependent on good employee relations, cooperation, and communication flow within the organization. The various bodies of the firm should be moving in the same direction which they can only achieve by having an organizational culture that emphasizes change and flexibility.
Extension stage involves information sharing within the organization to identify new opportunities and survey market competition. Firms making entry into a new market, improving a product or developing a new product depend on the extension processes that they use. By filtering lessons learnt they should be able to come up with implementable ideas.
The firm should install systems that…

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