Immigration ban in the USA

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Immigration ban in the USA

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Effects of Immigration Policy in the USA
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Effects of Immigration Policy in the USA
General Information
Title: Effects of Immigration policies introduced by Trump.
General Purpose: The general purpose of the speech will be to inform the audience on the effects of the travel bans for some countries that were initiated by Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America.
Specific Purpose: By the end of the speech, the audience will be informed that the travel ban for some Muslim countries to the USA has more negative effects than the positive ones.
Thesis Statement: The immigration policy by Trump will affect the United States of America negatively.
Attention Getter: There has been controversy all over the world concerning the decision of Donald Trump to ban immigrants belonging to the Islamic Countries from traveling to the United States of America.
Introduction of Topic: Donald Trump stated that immigrants from Muslim countries such as Chad, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, and Iran would not enter the USA unless they have a close relationship with an individual in the country (Mindock, 2017). The argument was based on improving the security of the nation. However, the action may bring more negative effects to the country.
Credibility and Relevance: One of my friends from Iran is planning to end all his business relationship with the USA since he feels the ban will affect him.
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