Identify the goals a social media website is trying to achieve

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Identify the goals a social media website is trying to achieve

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Goals of social media websites

Goals of social media websites
Social media is the main form of communication in the 21st century. Gone are the days when sending a message to another country, let alone another city, would take several days, if not months. Today it is just a click of a button, and the message gets to the recipient within seconds. There are many social media websites, the major ones being the likes of Facebook, and how their homepages have been designed tells a lot about their specific goals (Chaykowski, 2017). The main focus of this essay will be Facebook’s goal and the effect it has on consumers.
Facebook’s homepage is designed to capture almost everything, ranging from the feeds to contacts and private messages. It gives the consumer an idea of how easily one can communicate with the other person without too much hustling. The main goal of the company, as concluded from the website’s appearance, is to bring people closer together and make the world a small community. Mark Zuckerberg, back in 2012, stated that the mission of the website was to make the world more open and connected through socialization (Chaykowski, 2017). The mission is still the same now but with some few updates to it as stated by the CEO in 2017. Zuckerberg’s new mission is to give the people the ability to bring the world closer (Chaykowski, 2017).
The cohesiveness of the world depends on each and everyone that lives in it. It is a message that Faceboo…

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