Healthcare System

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Healthcare System

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Healthcare System
Institution Affiliation

Healthcare System
The US healthcare system is one of the most effective in the world. It is known to have the largest population covered through insurance through the Affordable Care Act. On the other hand, the issues of cost have been seen to hinder different services especially those linked to complicated medical conditions. On the contrary, the government has tried to address the situations by increasing the federal and state funding. However, the funding process is hindered by different state policies and increasing healthcare crisis that have recently limited the state government from managing health care issues across its states.
The US healthcare faces different dynamics ranging from the cost and increasing healthcare needs. In the contemporary US society, the new legislation has integrated models that regulate health insurance. The mandatory insurance has expanded Medicaid and Medicare programs (Spitzer & Davidson, 2013). Besides, many people with chronic medical conditions are incompletely covered since the program focuses on primary care. As a result, this has raised a question on whether healthcare is a fundamental right. Based on the experience of other countries where socialized medicine has been adopted, it is critical for the US healthcare system to address the barriers that limit its citizens from accessibility to healthcare since it relies significantly on the contribution of the citizens toward th…

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