Health Promotion

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Health Promotion

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Health Promotion
Health promotion is the process of making people have more control over health factors hence improving their health. Health promotion programs give planned and well structures activities that assist individuals in making an informed decision about their health (Raingruber 2). Some examples of health promotion programs from my clinical setting include; alcoholic counseling programs, blood pressure reduction programs targeting a specific group of people, first aid training programs, programs to help a specific group of people to cease using drugs or smoking and nutrition programs.
Health Promotion Plan for Hypertension Among Elderly People
Program Goal
The goal of this health promotion is
To reduce the prevalence of hypertension among the elderly
To reduce the mortality rate among older adults due to hypertension
The Long-Term Objective of the Program Goal
Decrease the prevalence of hypertension among the elderly by 25%
Reduce the consumption of foods that contribute to hypertension in older adults by 30%
Creating Awareness of the Factors That Contribute to Heart Diseases Among the Elderly
The older adults and people who take care of them need to be educated on the factors that contribute to heart diseases among the elderly. Some of the factors to be addressed include;
Lack of exercise
High salt consumption
High alcohol consumption
Family history
Old age
Actions to be T…

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