Great Wall

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Great Wall

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Great Wall
The article, by Su & Wall, looks at the effect of tourism on a local town which is located near the Great Wall of China called Mutianyu. The authors are cognizant of the fact that in order for heritage tourism to be successful anywhere in the world; the community has to participate in various endeavors because their support creates a genuine atmosphere for the tourists to enjoy the local culture. From their research, the authors find that the locals have a generally positive perception about the local tourism endeavors that have been launched in their community and the development that has followed such tourism initiatives (Su and Wall). The locals may enjoy the benefits of tourism in their area; however, they have a small say on the day to day decisions made in their community.
The article is a good current source of information on the Great Wall of China. The perspective taken is that of the members of the local community and how they have been affected by the use of the wall as a tourist site. It doesn’t provide an in-depth report on how the locals fully benefit from tourism. However, it gives us enough information to conclude that tourism plays a major role in the local economy. The authors use sources that are credible and authoritative throughout the paper. The language used in the paper is professional and, therefore, the article does not feel as though it is an opinion piece written b…

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