Goverment Intervention

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Goverment Intervention

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Economics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Government Intervention

Government Intervention
In some cases, the government intervenes with some service provision industries or subsidizes the prices of some commodities with the intention of making such services or products affordable to every citizen; this is mainly intended to help the poor (Stossel, 2012). However, government interventions lead to some unintended consequences; this is because such measures interfere with the demand and supply balance which works best when it naturally adjusts itself as opposed to being dictated by the government.
In the healthcare industry, nationalized healthcare increases the number of people that can afford the services as a result of various government intervention programs. Hospitals, and related facilities, therefore, experience a rise in the number of people who require the services. In most cases, the government subsidizes the prices without investing in the resources necessary to cater for the increased number of patients; this may result in long queues or a drop in the quality of services provided (Post, 2017). Nationalized healthcare may reduce the amount of money in the healthcare industry which may hinder development; research conducted to pave the way for improvements requires a lot of funding. Nationalized healthcare may also reduce the money doctors make and therefore reduce the number of people attracted to the practice; this will reduce the number of doctors in the long-run.
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