Google and Result Search revised

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Google and Result Search revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Google and Result Search

Do you think Google should be responsible for modifying its search results in response to individual request? If so, what criteria should it use in doing so? Are there limits to the resources the company should be expected to expend to comply with such requests?
Google is a business company that should be responsible for modifying its search results because in most cases human error in submitting their documents and important research works, the need for the edition is paramount. Additionally, most outcome dooms individual reputation and may portray an ill-feted image of the person in search. In doing so, the company should provide a procedural criterion should be applied to fasten the process. For example, the request should be linked to immediate customer care who works daily. As a business premise, the customer care should be adversely connected to the technical team and the copyright team who will ensure the request is handled with the best agency possible (Jones & Jones, 2013). Google should provide to its users a link where they can interact with their head office. They should hasten the request urgencies in order to reduce further credit loss.
The company should have a well outlined flow of information from the head office to the lowest officer. This eases the amount of time taken to process the action. Google control laws and policies should be amended to safeguard the rights of both the users and the officials. …

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