Golf marketing

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Golf marketing

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Golf Marketing
Marketing plays an essential role in the golf industry as clubs work hard to retain their members, attract new members and maintain a high profile. It has become a necessity and an everyday activity due to the increasing competition. While there are many ways of golf marketing sustainable marketing is one of them and considered to be the most effective one. This paper focuses on how sustainable marketing is applied in golf marketing.
Sustainable marketing focuses on the importance of consumer and the future generations. This model of marketing may be applied as it ensures that golfers transform rather than letting them just be and consume. It also improves their experiences now and creates a long-term value in the golf industry thus attracting more consumers.
Sustainable marketing also seeks to engage the society with educational experiences that contribute to long-term practices, the natural environment and the game of golf. It promotes a supply chain that takes into account the corporate social responsibility and environmentally friendly practices (Kotler and Phillip, 99). It implements strategies and approaches that minimize adverse environmental impacts. This form of marketing can, therefore, increase the consumers in the golf industry.
As sustainable marketing takes into account social and environmental factors, it is useful in golf marketing. Golf as an outdoor game all its activities involves the envi…

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