Gene Editing Can Now Change an Entire Species Forever by Jennifer Kahn

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Gene Editing Can Now Change an Entire Species Forever by Jennifer Kahn

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Relations (PR)

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Gene Editing
Jennifer Khan introduces the concept of gene editing as a nice phenomenon of science. Gene editing is the removing and copying of specific codes in the DNA. The process allows for specific to be transferred to the future generations. Other undesirable attributes cannot be passed since they would have been blocked. However beneficial, the process is still under intense scrutiny from religious people. Much of the debate surrounding the practice focuses on humans acting like supreme beings, (Kahn, min 1:00). People think trying to modify the DNA of an organism is acting like God. Moreover, the technology has a great impact on human beings. If we edit the genes, we can eradicate many of the hereditary genetic conditions. Jenifer khan wades into the debate skillfully and presents us with a lot of information. Her research targets both sides of the story, and we can pick between good and bad.
If we can edit the genes of a certain organism, we can take care of disease and obliterate them. Imagine a world free of malaria and Zika viruses! Would it not be a wonderful world? I think it will be beneficial to life and can potentially save millions of lives which perish due to the tropical diseases. Scientists seem to be using CRISPR in solving virtually all problems in life, (Kahn, min 6:09). CRISPR is a technology of infinite potential when it comes to benefits. If we continue in this venture, we can be able to create a “perfect”…

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