Future of technology in the legal industry (law firm)

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Future of technology in the legal industry (law firm)

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Future of Technology in the Legal Industry
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Future of Technology in the Legal Industry
Law firms are among the areas which may be affected by the trends in the business information systems. Various trends in the information systems may affect the legal services provision in the next five years. One, the online legal services are among the trends that are expected in the laws firms within the next five years. Some of the services do not require the clients to visit the lawyers and hence can request the services from the far. For instance, LegalZoom offers the preparation of a will and creating a DBA online, and, therefore, the client pays less, and the process is easy (Newman, 2017). The strategy is among the trends that are expected in the legal industry. Secondly, data entry on the performance of the lawyers in a firm has been upheld by various companies. A performance track is maintained for each of the clients, and thus the expertise of the lawyers in various fields is noted (Newman, 2017). For instance, some lawyers may be very profitable on the business law while others may be perfect on the administrative law. Thus, the management of the firm will assign lawyers to duties that match their expertise.
Organizations need to employ technology and business information systems to encourage improvements in the firms. Due to the increased use of internet and online availability of data belonging to various industries, firms sho…

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