franz Schubert

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franz Schubert

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name:
Franz Schubert
I feel I am strongly connected to Franz Schubert mainly because of his music. Franz had an unmatched expertise for lyricism making his music easy to relate with. Furthermore, his lyrics were comprehensible and I feel it pulled people. As I grew up, my appreciation for his music developed. Within his musical world there is a melodic and colorful power of mystery that is engaging to the listener. He is considered a genius because he only lived until the age of 31, but his works are notable. (Gregg n.pag) As opposed to many artists of his era who lived longer, he was a young man who knew how to tap into the emotions of people.
Few listeners understand the variations in Franz’s compositions containing a prolonged meditation between day and night. It is this distinction that makes his music great. Any person who tries to dissect his music must have the capacity to understand lyrics and mood. That is why I can relate to his style of music.
Another reason is Franz Schubert was good in different genres. It is quite difficult presently to find an artist who can write songs in different genres. Franz wrote comparable quartets to the works of Beethoven and Mozart. Furthermore, his piano works paved the way for Chopin and Schumann (Gregg n.pag). This is a clear indicator that he was a trend setter. By the time Beethoven was composing his stylish quartets, Schubert had produced the C major String Quintet, which …

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