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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Mind-Body Problem
Throughout history, human beings have always tried to solve the problem of defining the relationship between the body and mind. The body is the physical part of the human being while the mind or soul is the non-physical part of human beings (Huxley 68). Many theories have been formulated to solve this conundrum called the mind-body problem.
According to Descartes, the body and the mind are two separate things. Based on his understanding, the body is more of a material substance while the mind is immaterial. It is possible to explain both the mind and body separately but in as related units. Mind-body dualism is one such concept that explains the mind and body as two independent units. The theory tries to explain that both units can exist independently. The mind is all about emotions, thoughts, and conceptions that are intangible. Princess Elizabeth challenged the mind dualism theory by claiming that the mind can make the body perform actions while actions in the body can trigger the mind too (Huxley 69). She further stated that the body needs the mind to move.
The mind is something that dictates the human being perception of things. Most of the times we tend to judge the minds people by the way they dress, talk or express themselves. However, there are times that human beings express themselves in a way that does not express their minds. The materialist theories are very dominant in …

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