Final Reflection

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Final Reflection

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Final Reflection

In the past, engineering course fluctuated between the practical aspects of Engineering and emphasizing on engineering science. On the other hand, the service-learning approach that is being implemented today focuses on a hands-on learning approach whereby the students attain the objectives of the course in a credit-bearing course when they meet the real community needs. Adding context to the course has motivated the engineering students and has helped the engineering school to improve on diversity and retention. Through service-learning, students have been able to focus their projects on the well-being of society and how it can improve society at large. Service-learning has helped me improve my thoughts about life and has helped me improve my creativity in the field. Through service-learning, I have learned the basic requirements that society requires from me. In this case, I am able to expand my thoughts on the engineering concepts and projects that are friendly towards the society and not to harm them in any way.

Through creativity and innovation, engineering has improved how certain things are done within the society. By doing further research on the current existing engineering systems, we as engineers can help improve the existing systems and make them perform better than before and improve service provision both locally and globally. Through the use of engineering concepts and service-learning, new systems have been implemented that have reduced the …

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