Film analysis

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Film analysis

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Knocked Up Film Analysis
The film Knocked Up mainly revolves around relationships. The two principal characters, Ben Stoke and Alison Scott meet in a nightclub for the first time. The two strangers speak to each other briefly while ordering for beer. Ben and Alison engage in more conversation and eventually end up spending the night at Alison’s house. Alison gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Ben. This pregnancy results in an unplanned personal relationship between Alison and Ben. The film portrays Alison as a go-getter in her entertainment presenter job while Ben appears to be a carefree person with no official employment. Ben and Alison have an unstable connection though in some instances they are a happy couple.
Relational development theory is a model of communication that occurs between two people through the process of coming together and coming apart. The model describes the different stages of a relationship as it progresses from the beginning. The fundamental concepts are initiation, experimentation, intensifying, integration and bonding. Initiation is a brief phase where impressions matter in starting a relationship. Experimentation is the inquisitive stage where two people determine if they want the relationship to proceed depending on the information shared. The intensifying phase is a time for the two people to share intimate details about themselves and signals a need for a close relationship. Integration marks the ass…

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