Field trip assignment

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Field trip assignment

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Jazz Field Trip Report
Music is among the most loved things by many people. Notably among them is jazz that has both elements of classical and modern music. This music type is usually difficult and, thus, solicits special devotion during the performances. This essay will delve into the report of a jazz concert that I recently attended.
The concert occurred at __________on ___________. The band mainly embarked on music from Timothy Carrigg. They included different instruments like trumpets, guitar, drums, tenor sax, bass, and alto sax. I had arrived at the concert earlier, and the hall was almost empty. People were chattering and excited about the event. When the show commenced, the hall was already full, and the bands were checking if the speakers were functioning correctly and if their instruments were in tune.
I was ecstatic about the ordeal and couldn’t wait for it to start. As soon as the songs started playing, I felt a feeling of euphoria engulfing me and all thoughts and concentration were thwarted towards the music. The crowd danced to the rhythm and swayed just like the way the singer signaled. His voice connected with that of the music and it sounded just like a music record. It was fun as the crowd cheered danced to the music.
The initial song was ‘My Melancholy Baby’ produced by Tristano Lennie. They then went on to play ‘improvisational selections’ by Carrigg Tim which incorporated on old groove style that depicted…

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