Farming in Brazil

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Farming in Brazil

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

What was the purpose of the paper, that is, what was the paper testing or what was its real objective?
The writer tries to explain how to reduce, drought, unemployment and deforestation through modern technological methods of farming. For instance, the company BrasilAgro buys and develop neglected fields. It utilizes radio antennas to keep track of climate pattern. (Piaui, 2010 para.2).
What aspect of the paper did you find to be most interesting?
Brazil has a high food production rate without the use of the Amazons land for farming. Interestingly, most of the country’s food crops grow in the cerrado which at one time had high levels of acid and poor nutrients. A company in charge of transforming the region used a mixture of appropriate amounts of lime to decrease the acidity (para.12). Also, they grew bacteria that promote the soil nitrogen fixation making the soils less dependent.
What aspect of the paper was most confusing?
The idea of Farming conditions in the cerrado which was not only expensive but also took longer. The country has one of the largest rainforests which has favourable conditions for farming.
Which graphical presentation was most helpful and which was most confusing and Why?
Chart one mainly focuses on grain exportation and growing thus not helpful while chart two shows various products. The second chart shows that Brazil has overtaken Australia to become the leading exporter of beef and its products (para.4). Also, …

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