Family law

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Family law

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Family law
Florida law recognizes agreements made by unmarried cohabitants if they are meant to establish rights and responsibilities towards each other (The Florida Legislature). Accordingly, the law agrees that as long as the contracts aimed at establishing some form of responsibility for the parties involved, then it would be prudent to ensure that the interests of the parties are followed to help give them a lifeline in the event of separation. David and Juan had been in a long-term relationship, whose existence is supported by the contractual agreement that they formed. Several changes took place in the course of their cohabitation. However, the contractual agreement was meant to protect the parties’ interests in the event of a separation.
A child is involved in the separation. Florida law is purported to support contractual agreements made by couples as a mechanism to protect them (The Florida Legislature). Nonetheless, the responsibility of taking care of the child was not captured. Besides, only David is taking care of the child yet he lacks a viable source of income to provide for the child. According to Florida’s 2017 statutes, some considerations must be taken into account to ensure that the interests of the child are considered.
Juan should be prompted to refund David his savings, as a strategy to cater for the child’s needs. The joint savings that they own should be decided upon on the appropriate values to consider, th…

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