Factors influencing nurses absenteeism in a general hospitals in a Saudi Arabia .

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Factors influencing nurses absenteeism in a general hospitals in a Saudi Arabia .

Category: Business Plan

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 5

Words: 2750

Factors Influencing Nurses Absenteeism in a General Hospitals in a Saudi Arabia
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The high rate of absenteeism has been argued to be a serious managerial issue in various service sectors including the healthcare sector. Absenteeism among healthcare staff is a notable phenomenon that has been greatly emphasized as an issue that affects organizational productivity. The studies carried out in this area have revealed that within the health care system, absenteeism among nurses is the highest when compared to other workers in the same sector. Sickness is considered the most important factor that causes absenteeism amongst the nurses (Sancinetti et al. 2011). However, Davey et al. (2009) has provided an interesting perspective of looking at the factors leading to absenteeism amongst nurses. They concluded that whatever the reason for absenteeism, the primary cause is work-stress.
Gazzaz (2009) showed that absenteeism amongst nurses has a strong relationship with various factors. Some of the factors associated with stress include organizational commitment, job satisfaction and other determinants of sickness absence. Other factors that have been revealed in research include working conditions, primarily workload and work demands. However, Roelen et al. (2013) suggests that all these factors are preconditions to stress that result in absenteeism.
In Saudi Arabia, like many other countries all over the world, the situati…

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