Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness

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Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness
The video ‘Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness’ is an online video published on November 23rd, 2017 and available on YouTube website (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFfWv0EnHQw). In the video, Van Jones talks about the similarity in liberal and conservative views and ideas as well as the ways both tend to be antagonistic.
Premise 1: American Muslims, like the white conservatives, believes in strong family ties and relationships, but most Muslims are liberals.
Premise 2: Liberals believe in the government action to achieve equality in terms of economic opportunities and human rights on the other hand, conservatives believe in protecting the government foreign and domestic enemies.
Premise 3: Liberals accuse conservatives of disrespect, injustice, and prejudices; the same kind of mistakes they also make but keep looking at it from the racial perspective.
Conclusion: The disagreement existing between the liberals and the conservatives is only a difference in the means, but both intent to achieve a common goal.
This is an inductive argument, since it is based on the aspects and the difference in reasoning between a conservative and a liberal mindset. Both aspects aim at achieving a common goal of social good. The general conclusion is deduced from the inferences and reasoning of the parties involved when judging the same si…

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