Examine the role of women in the context of Peronism between 1945 and 1952

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Examine the role of women in the context of Peronism between 1945 and 1952

Category: Exploratory Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Peronism is an Argentine mass movement formed around the political thought of Juan Domingo Peron, who was a relevant player in the nation since the 1940s. Peron was elected as the president in the year 1946. Economic development of the country did change a lot during the year 1946-1955 and marked a turning point. During this period, there was a shift in the class alliance between the workers, armed forces and the Catholic Church. Eva Peron, who was the wife to Peron played a significant role in linking the workers movement to the president. She also brought forth the development of the rights of the women to be given equal considerations as men. Through the help Eva the women were able to participate in a range of activities including, the Partido Peroni sta feminine and women entered into working, and activities to create space for other women. As such this essay will critically analyze the participation of the women between 1945-1952 in various activities and programs with the help of Eva
Eva Peron accompanied her husband during the campaign that took place at the beginning of 1946 which helped him a lot in his campaigns as no other woman had done this before. This action was figurative as it showed how women began to show up in politics.
Women’s suffrage also referred to as the right to vote was the right of women. Women involved themselves in voting as Peron stated that women had rights to vote as the…

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