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Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Discussions relating to euthanasia has elicited numerous debates in a bid to determine if it is acceptable or not. The debates touch of critical subjects like human rights, ethics, social and cultural aspects among many other factors. While some individuals may support the process, I strongly disagree. Embracing euthanasia entails giving a green light towards eliminating the invalid. This would render palliative care meaningless, and the ailing would be denied a dignified end of life. Palliative care seeks to provide active care in a creative way for those debilitating and incurable diseases. Secondly, the right to life is a legal provision enshrined in states constitutions.
Conducting euthanasia terminates an individual’s right to life. This means the entire process is not only inconsistent but also incompatible with the concepts of right to life. The state is tasked with the obligations of protecting life, and this stretches further to ensure that physicians do not infringe these rights on their patients. Legalizing euthanasia gives a grave apprehension, and this would make a state reluctant in investing in advanced healthcare systems as a way of meeting its obligations in promoting the right to life (Dowbiggin, 14).
Lastly, euthanasia can be misused for malice. The high rates of deteriorating moral and justice virtues, people are likely to abuse euthanasia for self-gains as could be the cases involving inheritances and div…

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