ethics and evolution

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ethics and evolution

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Ethic and Evolution
Sharon Street points out interesting facts on the evolutionary origin of our moral beliefs that help understand our position in regards to moral values on dependent and independent thinking. According to Street’s argument, our evaluation attitude towards specific morals and ethics are guided by two principles, which are undermining and vindicating genealogies (Street 687-89). In this context, our evaluation belief tends to lower our confidence on the objective properties since our morals are guided by the innate predisposition of our thought to think in a given direction set by natural course. That is, even though humans evolved to be flexible creatures, we tend to value uniformity when looking at things and this affects the objectivity of moral thinking.
Conversely, according to Street perception on evaluative belief, a person’s moral conclusions are based on mind-dependent and mind-independent conceptions. Whereby, the objectivity of our moral thinking only holds when there is value in the virtue of our evaluation attitude. In other words, we are all mind-dependent on most morals which affect our flexibility to moral conclusions. Therefore, our evaluation belief tends to lower the objective property of our moral and ethical beliefs.
The Street argument on our evaluation belief is very constructive and I consider her approach on moral thinking and ethic perception valid. That is, in my o…

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