Ethambutol patient teaching

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Ethambutol patient teaching

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

 Ethambutol Patient Teaching
Student Name

Despite the availability of drugs to counter tuberculosis (TB) and related ailments, the disease continues to cause high death rates. The drug on the leading position towards counteracting the bacterium infection leading to TB, Ethambutol hydrochloride has faced various debates and scholarly research because of the associated effects on the eyes of the patients on prescription with impact, which could lead to permanent loss of vision. Because of the adverse side effects, a doctor’s recommendation is advised and thorough diagnosis to ensure that the patient is fit to use the drug. Information on existing visual problems, allergic reaction, and previous usage of the drug is necessary before receiving medication. The following essay provides guidelines to patients on the recommendations of Ethambutol use and the expected user effects. Issues addresses also include the adverse effects which when experienced should require immediate medical attention. The research shows that most of the misgivings of the drug occur because of dosage and lack of proper diagnosis of underlying problems.
Ethambutol is a drug administered to patients ailing from tuberculosis, which is caused by a Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium and is prescribed in line with another drug for the same purpose. While the success in combating the preference of Tuberculosis has taken significant steps in recent years, the efficiency and impro…

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