Environmental Impacts of Deforestation

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Environmental Impacts of Deforestation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Environmental Impacts of Deforestation
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General purpose: To inform and teach readers about deforestation.
Specific purpose: To enlighten readers on the undesirable effects of deforestation.
Central Idea: Carbon cycle, hydro-cycle, and species diversity are some of the environmental aspects that are greatly impacted by deforestation.
Deforestation is cutting down trees for timber, for settlement, agriculture, and use as fuel. Deforestation is, therefore, a human activity that has great negative implications on the environment that include the disruption of the hydro cycle, disruption of the carbon cycle and also the reduction of species diversity (Bradford, 2018). This paper will, therefore, explore the environmental impacts of deforestation by focusing on the carbon cycle, hydro-cycle, and species diversity. Lumber has for an extended time been vital raw material for the making of apparatuses for various undertakings, materials for developing accommodations, fuel, and many other uses. It is a raw material with great demand. Overexploitation of forest resources is causing their depletion in the form of reduced forest cover, and this is an aspect with a lot of negative results. Forests are essential habitats to many plants and animals which get displaced as a result of defragmentation and complete destruction of their habitats. Deforestation is, therefore, a human activity that disrupts the biological and non-biolog…

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