English GHA Assignment

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English GHA Assignment

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Question one
Symbolically, a deferred dream decomposes and is not just forgotten. If a dream is not sought, the dreamer will be frustrated and unable to do anything about it. Hence, the author seems to suggest that one should act on their dreams as fast as they can to make things happen rather than wait, (“Dream Deferred – Poem by Langston Hughes, 1). The environment can cause a dream to defer. This comes in the situations such as oppression as in the case of African Americans being subjected to slavery. When you are tortured by the society and environment around you, it is impossible to have any big dream.
Question two
I think that the first person narration of this poem is necessary due to the fact that it has to emphasize the point. I also think that the author is very emotional and want to send the point home in the most subtle of ways, (Jim, 1). It is efficient when someone uses a first-person narrative as it depicts real-life experiences. The poem trigger sympathy in the reader in the use of symbols and metaphors. For example, the use of animals such as dogs, which are always at the mercy of their owners, indicates desperation.
Question three
The fig tree is a representative symbol of the author’s Arabic background. The fig tree is part of Arabic life and contains edible fruits. The way the author’s father planted the tree, he was demonstrating generosity to the world in the way the tree would normally live for m…

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