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Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Ending Use of Nuclear Weapons

Course Title:
Cons of using nuclear weapons outweigh the pros as a result of long-term effects arising, example being the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where nuclear bombs impacted on human health even years later. Race for acquisition of new nuclear weapons among the nations brings fear of a probable war especially when world superpowers like USA are on the forefront. Technological advancement has favored discovery of improved nuclear weapons which are more lethal therefore creating a need for ending nuclear weapons. Although the world has changed, use and development of nuclear weapons should be shunned as a result of factors examined in this paper.
Nuclear weapons
I am in agreement with ending nuclear weapons since it creates an opportunity for increased terrorism as they have a means to commit crime. Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction hence are threat to life. Presence and development of nuclear weapons create tension for a major nuclear war since small disagreements brought by them may expand, states that nuclear weapons like missiles may accidentally fire leading to uncontrollable disasters. Establishment of new nuclear weapons calls for experimentation hence producing adverse effects which cannot be immediately dealt with due to lack of experience and remedy for such scenarios.
Advancement and acquisition of nuclear weapons is viewed as a source of pride among nations. Am…

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