Emotions and Moods in the Workplace

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Emotions and Moods in the Workplace

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Emotions and Moods in the Workplace
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Emotions and Moods in the Workplace
After reading the article, I concluded that quality management in organizations is significantly affected by both the emotional and social intelligence of leaders. My argument is based on the fact that the emotional and social intelligence of leaders directly affects their ability to activate neural activity in the brains of subordinates, thereby enhancing productivity in the organization. When the mirror neurons in the brain are activated, juniors can involuntarily match the energy of their bosses. In this case, they give back what they get. Therefore, leaders who give off positive emotional cues in interactions with their subordinates create a positive work environment. In turn, it positively affects organizational performance by creating alignment thus increasing productivity (Pillay, 2010).
The article captures a 360 review, it analyzes the performance of the peers, the subordinates, and the supervisors and relates them to the way they interact to improve the general performance of the business. The article demonstrates that the mechanism of message delivery is more significant than even the message being delivered. Moreover, it incorporates a ten-minute interview with the author who in elaborates and clarifies some of the concepts that he presents in his article.
When faced with difficult decisions, leaders sometimes do not have enough time to ponder the part…

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