Emerging Infections/Diseases of Zoonotic Origin

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Emerging Infections/Diseases of Zoonotic Origin

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Emerging Infections of Zoonotic Origin
Institutional Affiliation
Emerging Infections of Zoonotic Origin
Thousands of people around the world fall sick every year due to the spread of diseases between animals and people (zoonotic infections) (CDC.gov., 2018). These diseases often cause death among people. Animals are quite beneficial to human beings, and people interact with them on a daily basis. Animals are also a vital source of food including meat, eggs, and dairy products (CDC.gov., 2018). Nonetheless, some of these animals can carry harmful microorganisms that can be transmitted to people resulting in illnesses known as zoonotic diseases. These ailments can be caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi (van Doorn, 2014). Zoonotic illnesses are common in America and around the world. Averagely, scientist claim that 75% of emerging infectious diseases affecting people around the world are often spread from animals (CDC.gov., 2018). Examples include nipha virus, bovine spongiform encephalitis, and avian influenza. Other zoonotic infections with less public awareness include dog rabies brucellosis, taeniasis, and hydatosis.
Lately, there has been a substantial increase in the emergence of zoonotic infections. Scientists estimate that there are over 1000 known microorganisms whereby around sixty percent of the pathogens are transferred to people by animals and depend on them for existence (Wang & Crameri, 2014). At the same time, viral infec…

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