Elements report

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Elements report

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name

Rhythm refers to the specific placement of sound patterns in time. It is the most essential and fundamental element of music. This is because rhythm denotes how all the notes are placed in music. Regardless of the speed at which the music is played, the rhythm remains the same. Rhythm is also fundamental because the other elements such as tempo and harmony can change from time to time, unlike rhythm. It is correct to state that the other elements perform the task of enhancing a given composition.
The other elements would not exist without rhythm as it acts as a guide for the other elements. Typically when creating music, one of the first steps is to come up with the rhythm for the specific piece of music, that is, determining the notes to be played and the length of the notes. Melody, for example, is dependent on rhythm as it is the tune that results from performing a series of notes together. Harmony is the result of playing two or more notes simultaneously. It supports the melody in music. Pitch also depends on rhythm as it defines how low or high a specific note is, as mentioned notes are determined when coming up with the rhythm. All the elements are dependent on rhythm in one way or another.
The Minuet in G major is an example of a musical composition that highlights the use of rhythm. The initial composition was written to be played using a keyboard but over time, other variations or versions of the Minuet have bee…

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