Electoral college vs Popular Vote

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Electoral college vs Popular Vote

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Why the popular vote should replace electoral colleges
To the Democrats and other Americans that looked forward to Clinton occupying the highest office in America, popular vote should replace the Electoral College. Notably, Trump’s victory in the 2016 elections despite trailing Clinton on the popular vote was the fifth time that the United States has witnessed such an unexpected turnout of events in its entire history. This elicits debates about the effectiveness of the Electoral College in achieving its original purpose. At the time of its introduction, the Electoral College was to intervene and change the will of the people by ensuring that the aspirant that becomes the president has the necessary experience and qualities to become a chief executive. Apparently, the comparison between Trump and Clinton leaves Clinton to be the ideal candidate for the position, contrary to what the Electoral College gave to Americans that had voted massively for Clinton.
Having garnered 48% of the total popular vote versus Trump’s 47% (BBC 1), Clinton would be the US President if the popular vote were the final decider. The increasing number of times that have seen the less appropriate candidate for the chief executive seat become the president should signal the need for revamping the voting system. In fact, the traditional electoral process is outdated and should be replaced with the popular vote. Even though the electoral process ser…

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