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Professional Organization

Insert your name here Tutor’s name here Your unit name here Date of submission here Professional Organization Organizational professionalism is a unique area of concern for managers and leaders within an organization. Nonetheless, some areas define an individual's professional organization. Communication skills and leadership abilities are the two areas that define my dimensional approach to understanding the professional organization and operational structures in an organization. I look at organizational professionalism and communication skills as two inseparable attributes. Organizational professionalism is that constant variable that every manager need to demonstrate. Thus, I look at...

multiple intelligences

Multiple Intelligences Student’s Name (Institution)Abstract Multiple intelligence is a useful way of addressing the needs of the children. Gardner developed the theory to help psychologists and parenting experts to understand better how children process and learn new information as a way of making the learning process in classroom easy. Gardner asserted that educators should not confine themselves to one specific theory when designing instructions, instead should adopt customized goals and values that are essential to the needs of students. As a result, Gardener identified different bits of intelligence such as linguistic, musical, existential, spatial and logical-mathematical intelligence...


Resilience Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation ` Resilience is the progression of adjusting or adapting excellently in the face of trauma, adversity, threats, tragedies, financial stressors, school issues or relationship problems. Moreover, it is the procedure for overcoming difficult experiences. According to researchers, resilience is ordinary and not extraordinary since sadness, and emotional pain is common in individuals that suffer major trauma or adversity in their lives (Grissom, 2015). However, resilience cannot be defined as a trait since it involves actions, behaviors, and thoughts that can be...

Does Reducing Class size improve Student Achievement?

Does Reducing Class size improve Student Achievement? Student Name Institutional Affiliation Does Reducing Class size improve Student Achievement? The debate concerning class reduction in order to improve student performance has raked for years. Some researchers have not been convinced that small sized classes aid in student performance. On the contrary, researchers such as Jeremy et al. (2005) have argued that when the class is designed in a manner that they accommodate fewer learners, then the achievement, as well as performance of such students, improve almost significantly. Jeremy's investigation suggests that students in small-sized classes achieve higher grades in almost all subjects...

Are Singer-Gender Classes Necessary to Create Equal Opportunities for Boys and Girls?

Student Name Professor Course Date Summary Tweens in the American Society view single-sex- classes in the people that lost focus in life in as far holding on the moral fabric of society is concerned. They are in any sense taken for people that are out to depict and spread a bad culture. The negative view of, however, does not hold for all since a society cannot survive on perfection. There is a section of the youths that hold on ideas contrary to that of the majority. There are tweens out there desperately looking for single- sex class life in their future life. The baseline of the matter taking choices in life courtesy of the upbringing as well as one's personal ideologies. The...

Is Parental Involvement in Education Critical for Student achievement?

Parental Involvement in Education Critical for Student Achievement Name Institution Date According to Tyson & Hill (2009), there is a positive relationship between parental involvement in middle school learners and achievement in school. Parents help their children with homework. Parents relating to their children in education bridge the demographic gap in achievement and maximizes the potential of students. Parents increase their children’s level of accountability and communication between their teachers and families. Involving parents in schoolwork helps realize hidden potential, talents, educational attainment, and confidence. Parents advise their children on increasing their efficacy...

child guidance philosophy

Topic Student’s name Professor’s name Course title Institution Date Child guidance philosophy is critical for caregivers and educators to gain a full understanding of the developmental factors of toddlers and infants. The physical, social, intellectual, as well emotional development of a child is highly influenced by the one-one interactions with educators and parents. Children tend to learn most of the skills in life by imitating behaviors from those around them. As role models, educators and parents, therefore, need an understanding of the different aspects of a child development as well as the ways to positively influence such aspects to enhance development. Child guidance philosophy...

Should Students be free?

Topic Student’s name Professor’s name Course title Institution Date There are varied views by different individuals regarding the question on whether students should be allowed complete autonomy in their learning. For Rodgers, a founder of humanistic philosophy, children should be granted the freedom to make their choices. He argues that allowing students’ autonomous decision-making promotes their learning. According to Rodgers, students’ success in learning is largely determined by their perceived inner meaning and personal curiosity. Natural curiosity and motivation in learning can be enhanced by allowing them the chance to own their decisions. (Abbeduto, Symons, & Symons,...

Are Constructivist Teaching Methods Superior to Traditional Methods of Teaching?

Constructivist versus the traditional method of teaching. According to Hausfather Sam, most teachers follow a constructivist approach which comprises of theories such as social constructivist, radical constructivist, information processing constructivism, cybernetic systems, social, cultural approaches and social constructivism. Reasons why constructivism is more superior to traditional teaching method, is that knowledge emerges and is strengthen by human activities, interactions, and use of materials. Therefore, we create knowledge and do not obtain it through experience and heredity. Student's previous knowledge is essential in enhancing deep understanding of concepts. This eases and transforms...