Are Constructivist Teaching Methods Superior to Traditional Methods of Teaching?

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Are Constructivist Teaching Methods Superior to Traditional Methods of Teaching?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Constructivist versus the traditional method of teaching.
According to Hausfather Sam, most teachers follow a constructivist approach which comprises of theories such as social constructivist, radical constructivist, information processing constructivism, cybernetic systems, social, cultural approaches and social constructivism. Reasons why constructivism is more superior to traditional teaching method, is that knowledge emerges and is strengthen by human activities, interactions, and use of materials. Therefore, we create knowledge and do not obtain it through experience and heredity. Student’s previous knowledge is essential in enhancing deep understanding of concepts. This eases and transforms learning. Learning should integrate public or group reasoning and collective problem-solving. Constructivist teaching makes this possible. Cooperative learning has been found to advance learning outcomes. This method makes learning fun and useful as it also balances learning procedure and the context. Active involvement of students is vital as content knowledge is built upon students’ prior knowledge, thoughts, and experiences (Hausfather 1-5).
On the other hand, Clark et al. argue that constructivist teaching method is not superior to the traditional method of teaching as everyone prospers with complete and clear instructional guidance. This is important than partial direction as it takes less time for learners to grasp the content and get a solution. Full guidance is effective …

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