Economic development

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Economic development

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Administration

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Economic development
Part I
The most important urban renewal issue that can be implemented is the displacement and relocation. In the process of urban renewal, people within the captured area will have to be displaced. The displacement will ensure the land around the site is utilized (Zheng, Shen, & Wang, 2014). At the same time, the affected people or families will have to be relocated to another place in the community where the land lies unused. The process will ensure that the first idle land is put into use.
Part II
The strategies that the cities can use to improve infrastructure involve stimulating the demand for the digital solution in infrastructural development. The use of the new technology allows the innovation through the digital application, content development and use of digital skills in the development of infrastructure. The cities can also promote the commercial environment that is sustainable enough which will boost the stability of the private sector (Roberts, 2000). This strategy will ensure that there is a healthy competition that will enhance innovation of the private sector investment to impress the new infrastructural development.
Part III
Personally, I do not think if the federal government needs to have absolute control when it comes to the local economic development planning. The local authorities of the cities understand the strengths and the weaknesses of the local development better than the federal government offi…

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