dsl first current event presentation

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dsl first current event presentation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Biochemistry

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Presentation Outline
Title: The Impact of CO2 Emissions on ‘Nuisance’ Marine Species
CO2 emissions a have a significant effect on marine life (Hall-Spencer & Allen, 2015).
The decline in PH due to the rise in CO2 levels in the sea endangers certain sea organisms while it favors others (Doney, 2006).
The problem has necessitated the need to investigate the effect of ocean acidification on the marine taxa and especially ‘nuisance’ marine species.
The study will assess the responses of dangerous aquatic species to ocean acidification.
Transition into body
The study evaluated possible responses of aquatic species that have undesirable effects to humans on ocean acidification.
It was performed by analyzing current evidence on the issue.
Experimental Results
After synthesizing recent evidence, it was anticipated that increased levels of CO2 in seawater are likely to proliferate the growth and toxicity of harmful marine species such as the alga bloom and the invasive algae (Hall-Spencer & Allen, 2015).
According to the results, it is also expected that the blooms of sting jellyfish will significantly rise since they can withstand acidic conditions (Hall-Spencer & Allen, 2015).
However, marine species such as invasive molluscs and aging echinoderms are expected to respond to ocean acidification depending on their taxa and location.
The researchers conclude that there may be a possible rise in nuisance …

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