Drugs Used in the Treatment of Bone and Joint Disorders

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Drugs Used in the Treatment of Bone and Joint Disorders

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Drugs Used in the Treatment of Bone and Joint Disorders
Drugs Used in the Treatment of Bone and Joint Disorders
1)This patient has significant risk for osteoporosis, identify 2 reasons why? (2 pts)
GB has significant risk factors for osteoporosis due to her age and sex. The risk for osteoporosis increases with age with bones losing density and becoming weaker as one ages (Tindall, Sedrak & Boltri, 2014). Therefore, at 50 years old, the patient is highly likely to develop osteoporosis. The patient’s female sex is also a risk factor for osteoporosis with Tindall, Sedrak and Boltri (2014) noting that the risk of women developing osteoporosis is 2.5 times more than men.
2)What common glucocorticoid would the Nurse Practitioner prescribe for acute flare ups? (1 pt)
The common glucocorticoid that would be prescribed by Nurse Practitioner for acute flare ups of rheumatoid arthritis is prednisolone.
3)What other class of drugs would help with pain and inflammation? (1 pt)
Apart from glucocorticoid, other class of drugs that would help with pain and inflammation is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
4)Patient’s with RA are often prescribed DMARDs; generally, methotrexate or Leflunomide (Arava). Based on their side effect and adverse effect profiles, what lab values would be pertinent to assess and why? Do not over order lab work, looking for 2 tests(1 pt)
It would be important to order complete blood count (CBC) to check the levels of r…

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