Drugs at Work Place

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Drugs at Work Place

Category: Literature Review

Subcategory: Electrical Engineering

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Drug use at Work Place

Drug use at workplace
Use of drug and substance abuse in working place has been associated with poor performance and general poor conditions at work which range from psychological, physical and social harms. Situations such as night work, working remotely, traveling, job stress and poor communication are among key issues that have been associated with this conflict which in turn increases economic burden on governments, employees and society. According to (Cohen, 1984), drugs commonly used in work settings include alcohol, marijuana and cocaine and these have adverse effect not only on the user but also on the community.
Lack of standard methodologies and measures linked to drugs at work place have been difficult to estimate its effect on the ground. However the burden looks substantial to business, workers, society and economy as a whole. Both employers, workers and governments have duty in ensuring that this vice is reduced to minimal levels to give a healthy environment that inflict social-economic factors. (Cole, 1976) discusses how to deal with drug related problems in the workplace and explains how it is precluded by a variety of myths and prejudices about chemically dependent people and their strong addiction to drugs.
The awareness on use of substances at workplace is a need that should be addressed with emphasis as serious accidents and effects at work has been reported just because the individuals misinterpreted th…

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