Dissusion :Electronic Communication

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Dissusion :Electronic Communication

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Electronic Forms of Communication

Electronic Forms of Communication
Electronic communication refers to the transfer of any process involving the exchange of data, sounds, signals, writing or images between two people or within a group of people. The most common type of electronic communication used in workplaces includes text messages, web pages, email and video chats. Among them, the primary forms of electronic communications frequently applied in the daily operation in a workplace include Text messages and Web pages.
Sending a text message through a cell phone has a relatively higher speed when compared to other forms such as letters. Electronic devices used for communication especially the cellphones can be carried everywhere. Hence, text messages and websites can be viewed at any place and not necessarily on the workstation. Moreover, posting information on a site or sending an instant text is less costly. For example, similar messages can be sent to many people at the same time.
Most people don’t like disturbances during working time. Text messages have alert sounds which most people are not pleased with as they tend to create disturbing noises. People hence prefer having their phones in silent mode. In this case, they are likely to miss any new text message or updates while working and at the appropriate time. As a result, delays in implementing important information and tasks are likely to occur thus disrupting th…

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